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Found in Sound, based in Bristol & London, offers Sound Healing, which is an ancient, time-tested, holistic & complementary therapy, that can help you find wellness through sound, supporting a wide range of ailments and dis-ease on the physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual level.


How? Sound waves, frequency and vibration, alter the brain wave state inducing a deeper level of rest and relaxation with no work, practice, or effort from you. In this altered state, cellular regeneration, energetic restoration, and healing occurs. The effects are an elevated mood, immunity, and energy flow, and a reduction of pain, toxins, and blockages in thought, emotion, and belief, restoring a sense of peace, vitality, and harmony from the inside out.


One-to-one sessions with Laura 'Found in Sound' take place in Greenwich, London, with select dates in Bristol. Sessions are tailored to you and your specific health goals, as are the frequencies and instruments selected. Group sessions take place at Studio 225 in Greenwich, and at Snow Yoga and Sensate Spa & Studios in Bristol on a monthly basis, and are designed with the intention of rest, recovery, and recharging energy levels.

You can read more about all treatments on the 'Explore & Book' page.


If you'd like to know more about Laura and how she got into sound healing, or if you'd like to chat to Laura about any aspect of sound healing before booking, visit the 'About Laura & Contact' page. You can also read up on common FAQs here

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